Wednesday, May 19, 2010

cuss words and devil horns

we had a good friend (and client) who gave us some salty-
tongued feedback on our posts in a sprawling email last
night. in an observant and sharpened way, he thought it
was questionable to blog about ronnie james dio one day
and then plan B architects the next. "too much of a
mixed f@%*ing bag" as he put it.

truth is, we try to maintain as much diversity in our daily
lives as we can, keeping an open mind to a variety of
influences. there have been times we've become a bit
myopic, surrounded by so much work-related thought
that it's hard to see the forest for the trees, as they say.

we find one positive aspect of the economic downturn
has been the extra time to focus on our life outside of the
work we do as the entity of form3. don't get us wrong: we
LOVE what we do. it brings us an enormous amount of
satisfaction and enjoyment. in the same breath, we also
feel fortunate enough to continue the work we've been
creating, but at a pace that allows for reflection and
enough space for the contemplation of our commitment
to life pursuits other than design work.

so we SHALL continue to mix devil horns with thoughts on
sustainable design (and sneak out of the office and into
the movies with a fresh pilsner on a rainy day). matter-of-fact,
it looks like the possibility of rain later today.

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