Sunday, June 13, 2010

pass the mic

it didn't take long for jim and stephanie to book kat for a
second round of karaoke at the william tell saloon. with the
first night having such a great response, it was an easy choice
that was greeted with huge grins, a couple high fives and lots
of friendly trash talk.

as one local rancher was overheard saying the other day
between sips of his jack and coke: "karakoe in tomales?"

ah, yeah.

karaoke in tomales.

we'll keep doing our part by creating the poster art, helping
with set-up and co-hosting the evening.

so, if you like having a good time, we'll see you at the william
on thursday night, july 1st. if you LOVE having a good
time, we'll see you for the FULL, blistering three-hour set.

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