Monday, June 7, 2010

bond. kbond

back in 2001, we had the opportunity to do some of our first
retail design work as the team that has become form3. we
never quite got the chance to document the installation work
properly and are just now creating images based on our
original designs for the seminal west hollywood project
where it all started for us: kbond. the architectural firm,
janson goldstein, was hired by owners karen kimmel and
james bond to renovate the entire first floor of the building,
providing striking views of the interior from beverly blvd.
we were brought in by kbond project leader petra larsen to
coordinate display and installation art that ultimately led to
some of our favorite work we've been involved with. we've
always seen this project as the beginning of the beginning
for us and are thankful to karen, james and petra for
giving us the opportunity to be involved with such a forward
thinking retail project.

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