Saturday, June 12, 2010

promises, promises

after reading our post from a few days ago, our client with the
cool mt. washington digs, christopher, sent these out to us in
order to help us keep our promise of more images of that work.
he's a little busy right now on the new season of weeds, but
found time to use a point and shoot digital camera to snap
a few angles of the project. it was a battle, because there's a
button you have to push in order for the camera to work and
then you have to upload those to a magical computer and then
attach them to an electronic message called an "email" and hit
another button to send them out. ( i'm exhausted just explaining
all this technical mumbo-jumbo.) that's two buttons and a few
keys on a computer keyboard!

he needs to get an iphone.


we look forward to the re-design of the master bathroom
later this year and a few more photos of the project sent our
way. (the opposite view of these images is pretty awesome.
you can see the griffith observatory in the near distance.)

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